The Road to ParadiseA mysterious discovery in a cave in the South of France…….Sep 21, 2019Sep 21, 2019
One way to deal with post-retirement blues…Cross Greenland on skisThe crunch of Inuits walking through the snow outside the bright yellow clapper-board community centre masked the yapping of the huskies…Jul 7, 2019Jul 7, 2019
Dog food chefI desperately need a job to help offset the cost of my pilot trainingJun 20, 2019Jun 20, 2019
The eccentric Flight Engineer‘ Electric Ed’ was an eccentric BOAC Flight Engineer on VC10’s. I was a First Officer and flew with him to Singapore in 1971Jun 20, 2019Jun 20, 2019
The games we used to play.To alleviate the boredom on long-haul flights on the Beach Fleet we played word games on the Passenger Address.Jun 20, 2019Jun 20, 2019
The day Grandad got up my nose on the way to ChicagoThe terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in New York changed aviation for ever. Security was tightened, baggage was screened, and thorough…Jun 20, 2019Jun 20, 2019
Flying a jet airliner at 50 feet over the AtlanticIn the late 1960’s flight simulators were in their infancy and didn’t accurately represent the flight characteristics of actual aircraft.Jun 20, 2019Jun 20, 2019
Sex is emotion in motionOr how I failed miserably at my first attempt, at flying school in the late 1960'sApr 25, 2019Apr 25, 2019